Wednesday, March 21, 2007

just one of those things

WOW! Has it really been TWO WEEKS since I posted anything? Goodness... I have been neglecting my blog. I do have some nice things to share for this post, though- a few last pretty pictures from Miami and some other things that are nice to look at. I hope you enjoy them, I know I have!!!

This first picture was taken when I was sitting in my car in Tampa. Bethany saw the picture later and asked, "why did you take a picture of a leaf on an antenna?" and until that moment I hadn't thought it was weird. Hehe. I guess I just thought it looked cool. I especially like the way that the shadow of the little nobby bit falls on the center leaf. And the colors. Mmmmm, colors.

In my head the title of this picture is "Wish I was There". I've never been sailing but doesn't it seem really exciting and romantic and glamorous? I went sailing in Denmark once, but it was with a sailing club for youth and they all knew what they were doing and the leader just kept running around shouting things in Danish. So I just tried to stay out of the way and in the boat. Maybe next time it will be in English.

I was down at the beach hanging out by myself and just thinking and reading and praying and then I thought I should try to take a picture... you know... to prove I've actually been to South Beach and all. This one is the best I could do with only an arms length. If I look kind of sleepy it's because I was. : )

As I laid there on my towel in the late afternoon, the sky looked sooo pretty. It was like a painting. Or maybe it was so pretty, many people have tried to paint skies like that one so paintings look like this sky. If I could paint better, I would paint this sky for sure.

Then in the evening, Bethany and I went out for one last meal on the fun and funky strip that is Collins Ave. We returned to our favorite "cafe bar restaraunt" and found it SHOULD have been called "hot waiters from around the world". Seriously, with guys that cute they should advertise more! Hahaha. I think our waiter was Israeli and our busboy was Italian. Good times.

Then we decided to take a walk and enjoy some other kinds of scenery... I wish there was a better way to show you what Miami Beach is like at night (I recommend going out early and coming home before the skeeze-fest begins... it's much prettier that way). This is a picture of a VERY cool art deco hotel called the Richmond. So we walked for a good long while to finish off our lovely time in South Beach!

Now, after all that prettiness you may not be able to handle any more... BUT... I have saved the best for last. In the past month or so I have met and began dating this wonderful man named Stephen Keller. Hooray for that! So... I will leave you with a picture of the two of us. Yay! (Oh yes, and I know... I don't wear glasses... but these are my fake ones for when I need to be incognito. Besides, Stephen is so cute in his glasses, I couldn't let him out-cute me! Hahahaha.)


TLC said...


A. You match the ocean. That is awesome. And nice hat, by the way. Someone very fashion savvy must've helped you pick that out.

B. Cafe Bar Restaurant is my FAVORITE place I've never been.

C. You and Stephen. Too much wonderful. Words gone.

jamie said...

Hey Linds!
Those are great pics.. I always love looking at your pics and even though I havn't been commenting, I Am faithfully reading and enjoying your blog...but I somehow missed the memo you sent about the cute guy you are dating!!! Thats awesome! I can't wait to see you in a month and get a real live update on everything!
It's getting close eh? Cant wait!

maresi said...

well... hello, stephen! And I'd totally paint that sky.

SouthAsiaRocks said...

Whoo Hoo! ;)